Saturday, March 12, 2011

Upholstry Project

After 10 years or more it has become apparent that it was time to recover my kitchen chairs.

I was sad to realize that I could not replace with the same fabric especially since I had a matching valance on one of my windows.So I had to find something simular. Now that my roaming days are reduced doing a crawl through all the fabric stores was not possible. So I tried looking for websites for my favorite fabric stores up on the computer. To my amazement I actually found a fabric that might do and the next day when I got off from work I went to the store to see if they had it. Of course I had to look at ALL the fabrics just in case I found something else but - yes they had it and no there wasn't anything better.

So I brought the fabric home and started on my project. I had origanlly covered the original fabric with some fabric I had made curtains with so they would match. So all I had to do was remove my previous work, revealing the commercial fabric they were originally covered with. Eventually I will have to remove even this and replace both the foam and the fabric - but when I do that I will probably have to strip and refinish the wood to and I'm not quite ready to do that- maybe in another 10 years :)


It didn't take long to remove and replace the fabric and I am so very glad I did it. I feel like I have brand new chairs, I started and completed a project, and I have experienced some of the comfort I'm seeking, expressed the beginings of the creativity I am reviving and pretty sure I have kept my sanity while accomplishing this very first completed project.

Before - old fabric and stripped chair

The new and improved chair ♥

1 comment:

  1. I love that fabric, and it matches the finish of the chair so nicely!
